Middle Grade 9-12 years Adventure ebook and paperback
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Book Description
Tommy Klopt is cunning and clever. Of course, he’s a pirate. The 12-year-old, along with his brothers, Connor and Dillon, begin a life at sea when their distraught father, Hoody, hits hard times. After a couple of years of smooth sailing as Robin Hood-type pirates, the family encounters a typhoon in the form of 400-year-old pirate ghost, François l’Olonnais. To force Tommy to complete a task, l’Olonnais captures Hoody. In a race against time to free him, the boys go up against real pirates and the FBI. But even if they can save their father, will l’Olonnais, the most evil pirate in history, really hold up his end of the bargain?
Middle Grade 9-12 years Adventure ebook and paperback
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Book Description
For two years, 12-year-old Tommy Klopt, his dad, Hoody, and his two brothers, Connor and Dillon, sailed the seas as Robin Hood-type pirates. After meeting, and almost getting killed, by a pirate from the 1600s turned evil ghost, François l’Olonnais, the family decides to head back to land and start over. Life on land turns out badly for the family, and they set sail once again. It isn’t long before l’Olonnais returns and brings a fellow ghost pirate, Captain Jacques Mignard with him. Mignard needs a mortal’s help to retrieve his girlfriend, Cosette, and he heard Tommy can get the job done. Besides a time crunch, the biggest obstacle is a spiteful and tricky sea witch, Volange.
Middle Grade 9-12 years Adventure ebook and soon in paperback
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Book Description
After the Klopt’s square their debt with pirate ghost Jacques Mignard, they are left with a new crew member, Cosette, and a debt owed to a sea witch, Volange, that brings them to Scotland. Pirate ghost François l’Olonnais, always with a watchful eye over Tommy, decides to lend the family a hand for their next quest. He enlists the help of a Scottish pirate ghost, Captain Red Boots. Working in a time crunch with two new crew members that don’t see eye to eye and avoiding Volange’s powerful brother who wants to stop them, the Klopt family is in for more than their share of rough seas. Will Tommy save the day again or has he finally met his match?